Friday 8 March 2019

Greetings Newboldians!

I have lots of good news to share with you this week from my travels around the school. It's all about writing, reading and a book called The Quest. 

In case you hadn't heard, it was World Book Day yesterday and what interesting characters arrived at school that morning. We had a variety of Roald Fahl characters in Y1-2, a class full of cats in Y304, a class of World War II evacuees in Y5-6 and two classes of fairy tale characters in F1/F2. Of course, dressed as Detective Holmes, I simply had to investigate these strange goings on and concluded that it was all marvellous. Thank you parents for supplying such wonderful costumes.

The Quest was the book chosen for us by Mrs Proud in celebration of World Book Day. It is a picture book with no words, so everyone who shares the book must tell their own story in their own way. It's amazing how one set of pictures can produce so many different stories.

I discovered some lovely description and dialogue written by the Y5-6 children based on The Quest. Later that morning, I visited F2 and was delighted to find the children writing postcards to their parents, in which they described a page from The Quest. Each child's attention had been captured by something different in the same picture and they were very excited to share their ideas in lovely, big letters that practically jumped off the page to be noticed. It struck me that the comparison between F2's first writing and the neat, cursive writing of beautifully descriptive language in Y5-6 tells its own story of our children's learning journey. Every single day of school provides them with essential opportunities to grow and learn and they learn better when we all work together - teachers, parents and children all on the same journey.

Well done to all our children for paying such good attention to their learning and giving me such an enjoyable day, for listening to the good advice they have been given by their teachers and for practising Respect Times Five in all their lessons. Thank you to our parents for supporting us and helping us to do the very best job we can for your children; we do it better in partnership with you. Every one of them is 'precious in His sight'.

God bless you all.

Mrs Crissey

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