Friday 8 March 2019

Greetings Newboldians!

I have lots of good news to share with you this week from my travels around the school. It's all about writing, reading and a book called The Quest. 

In case you hadn't heard, it was World Book Day yesterday and what interesting characters arrived at school that morning. We had a variety of Roald Fahl characters in Y1-2, a class full of cats in Y304, a class of World War II evacuees in Y5-6 and two classes of fairy tale characters in F1/F2. Of course, dressed as Detective Holmes, I simply had to investigate these strange goings on and concluded that it was all marvellous. Thank you parents for supplying such wonderful costumes.

The Quest was the book chosen for us by Mrs Proud in celebration of World Book Day. It is a picture book with no words, so everyone who shares the book must tell their own story in their own way. It's amazing how one set of pictures can produce so many different stories.

I discovered some lovely description and dialogue written by the Y5-6 children based on The Quest. Later that morning, I visited F2 and was delighted to find the children writing postcards to their parents, in which they described a page from The Quest. Each child's attention had been captured by something different in the same picture and they were very excited to share their ideas in lovely, big letters that practically jumped off the page to be noticed. It struck me that the comparison between F2's first writing and the neat, cursive writing of beautifully descriptive language in Y5-6 tells its own story of our children's learning journey. Every single day of school provides them with essential opportunities to grow and learn and they learn better when we all work together - teachers, parents and children all on the same journey.

Well done to all our children for paying such good attention to their learning and giving me such an enjoyable day, for listening to the good advice they have been given by their teachers and for practising Respect Times Five in all their lessons. Thank you to our parents for supporting us and helping us to do the very best job we can for your children; we do it better in partnership with you. Every one of them is 'precious in His sight'.

God bless you all.

Mrs Crissey

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Happy New Year

Dear Newboldians,

Happy New Year. I trust you had an enjoyable Christmas break. Mine was spent catching up with family and friends, which was just perfect. However, I suspect I may have bored everyone senseless by talking too much about the marvellous reindeer visit we had at school. The children loved learning about them and I suspect many of the adults did too. 

As always, the Newbold team has started 2019 with the best interests of our children at the core of all we do. To this end, our teachers have been working hard to plan and organise various learning activities for their classes. We want each and every child in our care to learn as much as they can, embracing a strong growth mindset that will enable them to enjoy learning with confidence. Let's ensure that the words, 'I can't do it', are always followed by that all-important 'yet'. 

Speaking of exciting events, you will be interested to hear that the building project is still edging along and we are now in the preparation stages. I will keep you posted. Just remember us in your prayers.

Have a wonderful term.

Kind regards,

Mrs Crissey

Friday 9 November 2018

Autumn 2018

Greetings Newboldians,

What a marvellous first term the 2018-19 school year has been so far. Our Harvest Service was to end the first half term was lovely - full of singing, poetry and readings as well as a fabulous story from Pastor Marcel. Thank you to everyone who donated food. We combined our gifts with those collected by the church for their Harvest Service. Everything has now been delivered to Bracknell Food Bank. There are so many people are in need in our local community all around us; your donation will help someone who might otherwise go hungry.

As I write, I can hear the Diwali Indian dance sessions going on in the hall behind me. The children have had such fun throughout the day and have enjoyed the vigorous movement and exercise that this lively style of music inspires. I've not been able to resist dashing out of the office every once in a while to watch the children dance. It is great to see everyone so animated. 

In a few week's time we will be celebrating Christmas, which is a very important date in the Christian calendar. We are already planning costumes, songs, drama and dancing for our Nativity play. This year, F1 and F2 are going to start the performance off for us and I can assure you, the 'cute factor' will not be in short supply. I hope you will be able to come along and see our performance on Wednesday 5th December. Only children can create that lovely ambience of Christmas being very near.

I hope you all have a marvellous academic year, whatever comes your way. It's going to be a busy time for us, now that we have finally been granted planning permission for our new building extension. This new building will give us the facilities we so desperately need to match the excellent quality of education our children receive.There is much to be organised and many decisions to be made over the coming months but once dates and details are available, I will let you know. Thanks for all your support and prayers over the years. We are almost there!

May God bless all of you.

Kind regards,

Mrs Crissey

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Autumn/Christmas Greetings

Dear Newboldians,

As I sit in my office writing to you now, I can hear the choir practising their Christmas songs in the hall behind me. It is still only mid November but already the enthusiasm that Miss Jones and Mrs Gungadoo have instilled in the children is creating that lovely Christmas feeling that usually arrives when the leaves are nearly all down and the temperature continues to descend until summer becomes a distant page in our life's history. In fact, I've got the Christmas feeling so strongly today that I just ran into the hall quickly to do the 'Sheep Shimmy' with the children, a not-to-be-missed experience, I might add! Although I was horribly out of time with the steps, the children were brilliant! Be assured though, you will see it done properly on December 14th at our Christmas performance, without Mrs Two-Left-Feet Crissey ruining it.

Of course, we have our annual trip to London coming up on December 8th. This year, Princess Alexandra will be in attendance at the Newbridge Concert. She was unable to make it last year and we all really missed her. We sent her a Christmas card with some messages from the choir, which she answered affectionately. The children are all very excited to meet her - some for the first time and some as many as two or three times from previous years. The choir have two lovely songs to sing and the recorder group has a special piece to perform for the princess, who always spends time talking to them afterwards.

I must admit, the school is abuzz generally with activity at this time. The PTFA are about to hold their first Christmas Fayre, which promises to be lots of fun. They have arranged for the Year 5-6 children to organise a variety of games in the hall, the bake sale/Christmas feast will be in the church, as will a nearly-new children's clothes sale and stalls with Christmas gifts, so there's something for everyone. How blessed we are to have parents who care so much about our school and who are willing to put so much time and effort into helping us be the best we can. There is no better role model for our children than parents and staff who demonstrate kindness, generosity and hard work and there is no shortage of any of these qualities at our school.

Speaking of hard work, our Newbold Board of Governors met recently and, as always, the spirit of improving and moving the school forward was as strong as ever. We welcome our new Chair of Governors, Pastor Wayne Erasmus. The Board discussed our building project, offering some excellent ideas for the best use of the money we have been given form the SEC to fund our extension building work. The governors want to ensure that the building matches our vision for the future, not just the present, therefore strong and holistic planning must be the central consideration of our approach. I will keep you posted as the project develops. Basically, the school is at a very exciting point in its seventy-eight year history and it's wonderful to be a part of it.

Generally though, the 2016/17 year has started well. Sometimes you just know when it's going to be a good year. There is a strong dynamic attitude that draws parents, staff, children and governors together. Almost everyone recognises what an amazing school this is. When I think of what we have achieved, even in the first half term, I can't help but feel excited about what we will do over the next two terms. Our charity endeavours so far have included sending the harvest service donations to Bracknell Foodbank and helping All Saints Church in Binfield to save their important, historic church building, plus many other charity efforts. I was really touched by the generous response of our parents, staff and children and those in the wider community who have supported us. The PTFA agreed to donate the proceeds of one of their popular bake sales to All Saints and ended up raising £355 for them. I feel it's so important to show kindness to our neighbours, as well as those far and abroad. We are all part of God's family.

I hope you will enjoy the second half of our Autumn Term and all the Christmas delights it has to offer.

Kind regards to all,

Mrs J Crissey

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Dear Newboldians,

Happy Easter to all of you. What a relief to have some light into the evenings now that spring has officially arrived. Suddenly everything seems brighter and more cheerful.

This term has flown by incredibly fast and as always, there was a hive of activities going on behind the school doors every single day. For example, our second entry to the Woodley Festival again brought us success in the form of a silver medal. The recorder group was superb and we extend our thanks to Mrs Bay for her dedication and imagination in creating a delightful comedy performance. We will be able to perform the entry piece again next term, so you will have a chance to hear it if you missed out. Still on the subject of music, our choir has been absolutely brilliant as well, having performed in church several times and at the Spring Concert. It is thanks to the imagination and musical talent of Miss Jones and Mrs Gungadoo that our choir has reached such a high standard and adds so much enjoyment to school life.

Academically, I have had various pieces of writing, maths and art brought to my office by proud teachers of proud children and it makes my heart glad to see so much effort being put into teaching and learning. The children are truly thinking about how to improve their work and are putting the effort into doing so.

I am sure some of you went along to the recent football match. I feel that our school sport has taken off to a new level, now that we have a football team who are able to take part in games with local schools. Our PTFA very generously bought us a smart set of football kit uniforms for our children to wear when playing formally, so they really look the part. 

Of course, as always, behind the scenes, our governors are working hard to make sure that Newbold is as good as it can be and I would like to take this opportunity of thanking them for their unstinting support. Newbold never stands still, but always keeps moving with new ideas and projects, which is why our school is buzzing with life. Recently a visitor who has been to a great many schools in the UK, came to see us and remarked that the ethos is so strong in our school that you can almost touch it. How true. That strength lies in the fact that God is with us always and as long as he remains, our school will continue to be extraordinary. I feel privileged to be a part of this amazing place.

Take care and stay safe this Easter break.

Mrs Crissey

Sunday 31 January 2016

Dear Newboldians,

Here we are now in Spring Term of 2016, the start of my third year as Newbold's headteacher. I always feel that Spring and Summer Terms run very fast and yet there is so much work to complete before they end. 

Years 1, 3 and 5 have settled properly into their new classes by now, which means they know what is expected of them and one hopes that they will benefit greatly from working harder towards achieving their learning objectives. Year 6 are working towards their SATs exams and with all the changes that have been brought about recently by the government, this year it will mean crossing into new exam territory, both for pupils and teachers. It is going to be a challenge, but we are not afraid of change or hard work.

After two years, I am happy to say it is still a pleasure being Newbold School's Headteacher; there is so much for which to be grateful. Our pupil numbers are steadily increasing, as word spreads about the good work we are doing. When new parents arrive to look at our school I often ask them how they heard of us and it is almost always because someone who has had a good experience recommended us - what an incredible compliment to our school. I am also amazed and impressed on a daily basis by the kind deed, good manners and general thoughtfulness of our pupils, qualities that I prize as highly as academic achievement. 

Our new school building is coming along slower than I'd like as we wait for a decision from Historic England on where we can build on our land, but it is still being addressed by our Board of Governors and it is definitely going to happen. I will keep you posted as news develops. Say a prayer for us.

Many thanks again to our marvellous PTFA, who continue to work tirelessly to raise funds to benefit the pupils of our school. Don't forget to keep an eye on the website for Bake Sale dates, which are such good fun.

God bless you all.

Mrs Crissey

Saturday 2 January 2016

17th December, 2015

Dear Newboldians,

As I write, the children are just coming in from their playtime after a fantastic Christmas lunch prepared for them by our PTFA. Needless to say, it was wonderful. The church cafe was beautifully decorated and we were greeted by some jolly Christmas music and the aroma of delicious food; Christmas arrived at our school in those moments. We are so blessed to have such a thoughtful and dedicated PTFA who do so much for us.

The children's Christmas performances of Are We Nearly There Yet were of a very high standard; I enjoyed both of them immensely. Did anyone notice that the centre of the town crier's bell flew across the stage in an unscheduled take off during the evening performance?  It was hilarious. Munya and Manny carried on like true professionals, weaving this surprising occurrence seamlessly into their performance. Many people asked afterwards if the bell incident had been planned but the answer was a definitely no. I think we can all agree that Mrs Cook has surpassed even our wildest expectations in her first term with us by producing such a professional show. Well done to all involved.

Then came the London concert at St George's Chapel - this year without our lovely Princess Alexandra. The children missed seeing her and hoped that she was not ill. Sir David Graham put their minds at rest, however, with a lovely message from the princess saying how sorry she was to miss meeting the children this year. The next day, we sent a Christmas card to her from all of them with a photo of their performance.  The photos and videos of the children's performances will soon be placed on the website for you to view. 

Another unusual occurrence of the London trip was when the group met Rod Stewart outside the front door of St George's Chapel. He very kindly posed for a photo with them - a surreal moment indeed. I jokingly said to the staff that Mr Stewart must have heard that the famous Newbold Choir was in the locality and consequently dropped in for a photo opportunity with them!

All in all, it's been a tough term with lots of coughs and colds but also very rewarding in what we have achieved. Now as the school holiday approaches, amongst all the fun of feasting and partying that is yet to come I hope 0you will also find some moments of peace and quiet to reflect on the birth of our Lord and Saviour. May we follow in his footsteps during this important Christian festival, showing love, patience and kindness to those around us. 

May God bless you all.

Kind regards,

Mrs Crissey